Here it is, 2014. Another year has come and gone in the blink of an eye. Funny how the days can drag by but the years just melt away. Now that the holidays are over and I've had a bit of time to reflect, wow, what a year. In fact it's been a pretty good year. A new home. A new knee. A new perspective. The funny thing is even with all these blessings I didn't accomplish one thing on my resolution list from last year.
Every year at this time I sit down and think about the areas of my life that I would like to improve. My New Year's Resolutions. I've been doing this since I was a little girl. Every year Mom would remind us to take a few moments and write out our goals for the following year. I assumed that everyone else did the same. Now I'm beginning to wonder, after all this time, maybe Resolutions are a thing of the past.
When I was a child resolutions were about being a good girl, getting better grades and trying to convince Mom I was old enough to stay out after dark with the rest of the kids. As a teenager, which were very difficult years, resolutions were about finding ways to stay away from my home as much as possible. School sports and choir were my salvation.
When I became a mother, my resolutions made an about face. They were no longer about me. Resolutions became a way to make a better home for my children. But as each year came my resolution list became longer. There were so many things in my life that I was dissatisfied with.
Then suddenly in my mid 40's everything changed. I'm not quite sure what happened but something clicked. I finally came to the conclusion that my life wasn't so bad after all. I may not have had everything I wanted but I did have everything I needed. There's a big difference between want and need.
I'll be turning 60 this year and here I am still making resolutions but my list is quite short now. I have everything I need. I'm comfortable and I get by. I still have to budget and watch what I spend but I'm doing okay. So for the first time in many years, this year's resolutions are about me. Talk about coming full circle.
This year I'm going to take life in stride. I'm going to slow down and smell the roses. I'm going to take the time and enjoy life to it's fullest, each and every day. I'm going to play guitar more and learn some new songs. I'm going to write more and create a blog I can be proud of. I'm going to continue to exercise and eat right so I can maintain a good attitude and accomplish whatever I set out to do. I'm going to learn to love life all over again but as a newly established senior citizen.
I still think New Year's resolutions can be beneficial. We all need to set goals for ourselves or we become stagnant but use common sense. Don't be so hard on yourselves. Pick one or two areas of your life and work on those. Resolutions don't mean a whole life change. Resolutions are a way of improving what you already have. When you improve one area of your life it gives you the confidence to make changes in other areas. If you fall back on your plans, don't give up, step back to the plate and go again. It does get easier.
There is one thing I must be clear on though. You don't have to wait until New Years to make changes in your life. Any day is a good day to decide enough is enough and make a positive change in your life.
Happy New Year everyone and I wish you all a happy and blessed 2014.
(The young man in the video below says it all. I will worn you there are a few cuss words but at my age there isn't a lot that shocks me any more and he does make a point.)
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